of Faith We
believe the bible, both Old and New
Testament to be the inspired word of God (2 Tim. 3:16).
This means the writers of the original text were guided by the Holy Ghost
(2 Pet. 1:21). We believe that the
bible is the true word of God. God We
believe in one God (Due. 4:6), Who
manifests Himself in three persons (I Jn. 5:7) God the Father, Who is the
creator of the world (Gen. 1:1). God
the Son, Who was born of a virgin (Matt.1:18) and came to take the place for our
sins (John 3:16; I Jn. 2:2, 4:10) God the Holy Spirit, Who indwells in us and
comforts us. He is with the
believer at all times (2 Cor. 3:4; Jn. 14:16,27) Satan We
believe Satan is a person.
He is a tempter and the cause of the fall of man (Gen. 3:4, Job 1:6-12)
For him was prepared hell and all those who do not accept Jesus as their Savior
will spend eternity in hell (I Cor. 7:5; Rev. 20:10) Fall
of Man We
believe in the fall of man (Gen. 3)
that man was originally created perfect but fell into sin. Therefore every human has a sinful nature except those born
again by the Holy Spirit (Jn. 3:3) Atonement
for Sin We
believe in the sacrificial death of
Jesus as a replacement for our sins. We
believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus showing His victory over sin and His
Ascension into heaven (Jn. 1:1-3,14; 3:16; Acts 1 1Jn. 2:2) Salvation We
believe that salvation is a gift
freely given by God. Works or good
behavior you have cannot acquire
it. It is gained by Repentance of
sin and acceptance of Jesus as your Savior.
All who do are sealed for eternity (Jn. 10:28; Acts 16:30-33; Rom.
10:9,10; Eph 1:7,13,14; 2:8,9) Church We
believe that the church is the
community of saved believers. That
every believer in Jesus needs to be connected to a local church were they can
worship, fellowship, learn, grow, and serve (Heb.10:25)
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